martes, 23 de abril de 2013

¡Estamos en RetroInvaders! - We are at RetroInvaders!

¡Sabrewulf Remake ya es parte de Retroinvaders!

Os recomiendo visitar este genial sitio para estar al tanto de todas las novedades del mundillo.
Gracias por aceptarme en esta comunidad de blogs dedicados a la temática retro.

Sabrewulf Remake has been added to Retroinvaders!

Visit this great site where you can find the latest news about the scene.
Thanks for accepting me into this community of blogs dedicated to the retro scene.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Unas cuantas capturas de pantalla...

No se si merece la pena mostrar unas cuantas capturas de pantalla porque podríais pensar que son capturas del emulador, pero no, son del juego. Ya os dije que intentaba ser lo más fiel posible al original: 

Menú inicial
La primera pantalla
Empezamos a recorrer el mapa
¡Corre, corre! ¡Que te pilla!
¡Encontré una parte del talismán!
¡No puedes pasar!

Sabrewulf, my remake.

Loading screen
In 1984 Tim and Chris Stamper published under the label Ultimate Play The Game the game Sabrewulf, the first in the Sabreman series.

After 29 years I have begun to work on a remake of the game for Windows systems trying to make it as similar to the Spectrum version as possible. It's the version I played with and I remember it with great fondness (sigh).

As I was not interested in recalling my Z80 assembler knowledge, forgotten long time ago, I have observed the behaviour of the game characters and searched for information about the game to then apply it to the remake.

I started working on the game late in February and it's going well. I have finished all the game screens, all the graphics and most of the code. Sound is missing yet.

I will be telling about my progress on the blog. I would really appreciate your comments.


To Tim and  Chris Stamper for creating this wonderful game.

To ZX Spin Spectrum emulator creators. Essential tool to analyze the original game.

To Chris Wild, author of the Icemark web site, where I found the original graphics of this game, that saved me a lot of time. In his site I found a lot of information about this and other Ultimate games and the remakes of another great game series, Lords Of Midnight and  Doomdark's Revenge.

Although there are a lot of maps of the game in Internet, I have found the most useful one to be the one done by Pär Svensson, not only to avoid getting lost while playing but also for desiging all the game screens.